World durga puja organization

Worldwide durga puja oversee & support

Behala Debdaru Fatak

Logo Debdaru Fatak
Behala Debdaru Fatak


Puja 2017



puja commitee details
Debdaru Fatak Sarbojanin is one of the oldest & most glorious Puja committees of Kolkata situated in the south zone. Consistently proving themselves in the market of theme based puja for 17 plus years & with a huge prize cabinet it is the place to visit during the days of Durga Puja.
History of your puja
The inaugural year of Debdaru Fatak Sarbojanin Durgotsav dates back to the year 1973 along with time in the late 90s Behala Debdaru Fatak entered into the world of theme based puja along with a few other clubs of South Kolkata.Since then for a 16 years Behala Debdaru Fatak has been introducing new @ unique concepts every year with a large prize cabinet.
Barowari/Committee Puja
16 Arya Samity Road, Kolkata, Bengal 700034 India




Data Provider Name
Arijit Halder

Pujo year 2015
photo – satyajit chowdhury.
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