World durga puja organization

Worldwide durga puja oversee & support

Balaka Abasan Durga puja Committee

Balaka Abasan Durga puja Committee

puja commitee details
 President : Parichay Dey,
Secretary : Prasanna Roy
History of your puja
At first, we want to thank you for your kind and valuable association with our Durga Puja 2014 Balaka Abasan Puja committee is organizing Durga Puja since last 14 Years and it is the first and largest Puja of New Town. In 13th years of our Durga Utsab, we have secure 6 prizes in respect of our “Idol” and overall decoration and and management from 24 Ghanta Mahapujo Shera Abason ( ZEE MEDIA), R PLUS NEWS Shera Abason, SF SONIC, Shakti Samman 2nd , 1st prize HIDCO In 12th year of our Durga Utsab, we have secured 3 first prizes in respect of our “Idol” and overall decoration and management from HIDCO, Biswa Bangla Sarad Samman, Najarbandi High News. We have also secured Second prize from Newtown Sarad Samman for Pandal. In 11th year of our Durga Utsab, we have secured 2 first prizes in respect of our “Idol” and overall decoration and management from HIDCO Durga Puja, the most happening festival of the Bengalis can be sensed with its spurt of fanfare. Balaka Abasan is the first Mass- Housing of New Town by the virtue of this Balaka Abasan Durga Puja is the first Durga Puja of New Town. Simple sober oldest Duraga Puja of New Town has updated and related itself with nature and has started the first theme Puja of New Town and has created a milestone. By the constant endeavor and dedication of its resident Balaka Abasan has continuously managed to be in spotlight and has always secured first position in New Town area. Although Balaka Abasan is an EWS housing it has always shows the path of saving Mother Nature by its initiatives in terms of creating awareness and educating people about there destruction of eco balance. By the support of our well wishers and sponsors we have taken a large leap in terms of budget. As you Know Previous year Balaka Abasan Puja Committee had organizing the ‘first theme’ Puja of New Town Rajarhat based on the theme ‘Jangal Mahal’ with the moto of save trees and Jungles. We have received crowd of more than 1 lakh on each day of Durga Puja 2014 as the theme was in discussion and cause curiosity amongst the people. 13th Year of our Durga Utsab we have chosen another novel theme of ecological balance with the presentation of Turtle as a mark of the creature having longest life and symbol of ecological balance. The theme and motive of this year Durga Puja is Turtle. As Turtle is a noble creature and its having longest life span he is the eyewitness to the both kind of human being Nature lovers and Nature’s enemy. By knowing the fact we even do not want to leave turtle as eyewitness of our destruction of nature and henceforth we are also harming him. But Why ? This creature is not harming us by any way even though we are behind him knowingly or unknowingly. That is why the nature loving people of Balaka Abasan want to register there protest against the destruction of ecological system and nature. Now in 14th Year of our Durga Utsab we have chosen another novel theme of ecological balance with the presentation of UNUSABLE NEGLECTED PACKERS N WASTAGE MATERIAL CAN BE RECYCLED INTO MORE LUCRATIVE N USABLE N VALUABLE THAN ITS ORIGINAL N FORMING OUR THEME “D GREAT SHIB LING NATRAJAN GANESSHA” MOTTO IS TO FREE THE ENVIRONMENT WITH WASTE MATERIALS CAUSING POLLUTION LIKE WATER, AIR, SOIL, ETC
Puja Start year
puja type
Aabasan/Residential Puja
Balaka Abasan Puja Committee, Balaka Abasan,
New Town, Action Area -1, near NBCC BUILDING,
West Bengal Kolkata- 700156 India

Data Provider Name
Rakesh Gupta

Khuti puja 2016

Durga puja 2015



Pujo 2013
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