World durga puja organization

Worldwide durga puja oversee & support

ushor shresto pujo

Ushor shresto pujo

Registration NOW


For any query do call




or mail

Name of the Pujo :

Popular name if any :

Address :



Telephone Number:

Facebook page if any :

Twitter if any:

President name & mobile number :

Secretary name & mobile number :

Publicity In-charge name & mobile number :

Two other active members name & mobile numbers :



Theme artist name & mobile number :

Structural decorator name & mobile number :

Idol maker name & mobile number :

Electrical contractor name & mobile number :

A brief note about the last year 2014 Durga Pujo theme:


A brief note about this year 2015 Durga Pujo theme:

Budget of the Durga Pujo this year 2015 :

Date of official inauguration:

A brief note about the social & cultural activities all-round the year :

Dated:                                                                                                                              sign with official seal

Enclosure required with this dully filled registration form

1. Site map of the pujo location along with relevant landmark. 2. Photocopy of the permission of 2014 or 2015 of police/fire brigade/cesc 3. A letter in committee letter head with declaration to participate in the competition to abide the judgement and to tie the competition banner in the closest vicinity of the pujo pandal. 4. Four v.i.p passes.

Receiving Part (Don’t fill this part)

Name of the Pujo :

Registration Number:

For any query do call +919874204143  +918981700668 9831511851 or mail

Do bring this counter part to collect the competition banner from the office
Do bring this counter part to collect the competition banner from the office

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